Online safety in Simplified Chinese (简体中文)
You can use Google translate to read this page in Simplified Chinese.
These videos and advice sheets will give you the confidence to talk with your children about online safety.
They include tips to help your child stay safe, and important information about what to do if something bad does happen online.
On this page:
- Helping your family stay safe online in Simplified Chinese
- Getting started with social media in Simplified Chinese
- Safer online gaming in Simplified Chinese
- Getting help when your child is being bullied online in Simplified Chinese
- Getting help for child sexual abuse online in Simplified Chinese
- More resources in Simplified Chinese
Helping your family stay safe online in Simplified Chinese
Learn how to keep your family safe online, including:
- why online safety is important
- how eSafety can help
- setting up family online safety rules
- conversation ideas and tips.
Click the video to watch. To view subtitles in Simplified Chinese, click on the closed caption (CC) button.
Helping your family stay safe online (Simplified Chinese)
Advice sheet
Click the link to download the advice sheet, then open it to read.
Getting started with social media in Simplified Chinese
Understand social media for children and young people, so you can:
- talk with your child about social media
- set up their online account
- use social media safely
- report problems.
Click the video to watch. To view subtitles in Simplified Chinese, click on the closed caption (CC) button.
Getting started with social media (Simplified Chinese)
Advice sheet
Click the link to download the advice sheet, then open it to read.
Safer online gaming in Simplified Chinese
Make gaming a safe and enjoyable part of family life, by learning about:
- setting up games so they are safe
- making friends in games
- reporting issues in games.
Click the video to watch. To view subtitles in Simplified Chinese, click on the closed caption (CC) button.
Safer Online Gaming (Simplified Chinese)
Advice sheet
Click the link to download the advice sheet, then open it to read.
Getting help when your child is being bullied online in Simplified Chinese
Learn how to support your child if they are being bullied online, including how to:
- recognise online bullying
- collect information about the bullying
- report online bullying.
Click the video to watch. To view subtitles in Simplified Chinese, click on the closed caption (CC) button.
Getting help when your child is being bullied online (Simplified Chinese)
Advice sheet
Click the link to download the advice sheet, then open it to read.
Getting help for child sexual abuse online in Simplified Chinese
Download and print our advice summaries.
Watch these videos to help you understand what child sexual abuse online is, how to prevent it, and what to do if it happens to a child in your care.
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本视频包含有关 可能会让一些观众感到不适 如需支持 请联系 Lifeline 或 |
当未成年人性侵害在网上 它仍然是未成年人性侵害的一种 这种情况可能包括: |
向儿童或青少年施压 要他们谈论自己的身体 或性经历 或者要求他们发送 或直播有关此类内容的视频 |
这个人可能是朋友 亲戚或陌生人 作为父母和照护者 如需学习如何使用网络安全功能 以及如何在孩子的 与其谈论网络性侵害问题 请访问 |
未成年人性侵害是如何在网上发生的?How does child sexual abuse happen online?
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本视频包含有关 可能会让一些观众感到不适 如需支持 请联系 Lifeline 或 |
未成年人网络性侵害 让未成年人按他们的要求行事 |
他们可能会先在网上 |
侵害他们的人可能是 |
可以帮助他们了解 |
什么是未成年人网络性侵害?What is child sexual abuse online?
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本视频包含有关 可能会让一些观众感到不适 如需支持 请联系 Lifeline 或 |
未成年人性侵害可能在网上发生 作为父母和照护者 我们可以采取一些措施 我们可以经常和他们聊聊 上网时感觉如何 以及他们正与谁联系 还可以讨论诸如性侵害之类的风险 |
可以帮助您及早发现问题 要了解设备和平台上的安全设置 您可能还希望添加家长控制功能 并屏蔽有害的应用程序或网站 |
想一想您的在线社交网络中有哪些人 以及其他人可能会通过什么方式 或看到他们的照片和视频 可以通过讨论未成年人网络性侵害问题 使侵害现象更不易发生 |
从而帮助您的社区变得更安全 向 eSafety 举报 包括展示或鼓励 您可以在 上找到更多建议 |
保护我们的孩子免受未成年人网络性侵害 Protecting our children from sexual abuse online
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本视频包含有关 可能会让一些观众感到不适 如需支持 请联系 Lifeline 或 |
与未成年人 包括青少年交谈 可以降低他们在网上 我们知道这些对话可能 但当孩子们了解性侵害 并且觉得能够用自己的语言 他们就更有可能 |
首先您可以让他们知道 他们有权在线上和线下都感到安全 并免受伤害 然后您可以使用 例如解释他们是自己身体的主人 并告诉他们 任何人都不能要求 以及成年人绝不可以要求未成年人 对他们之间的友谊保密 或者约他们去网上的私密场所 |
要向他们保证 特别是如果有人要求他们 不安全或害怕的事情的话 同时要明确告诉他们 例如可信赖的家人或老师 |
如需了解有关如何 与其谈论网络性侵害的更多方法 请访问 |
我们可以讨论网络性侵害问题 We can talk about online sexual abuse
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本视频包含有关 可能会让一些观众感到不适 如需支持 请联系 Lifeline 或 |
经历过网络性侵害的 可能会表现出一些迹象 这取决于孩子的年龄和发育情况 以及侵害是如何发生的 如果我们注意到孩子 比如他们对自己在网上做的事情 那么询问他们的情况就很重要 |
并不是所有的孩子 他们是否在网上感到不舒服 或者是否正在遭受性侵害 请注意关注他们的行为表现 尤其是使用电子设备时的行为 如果我们感到担忧 |
我们可以这样说 我注意到你最近用手机的时间更多了 有时你看起来很担心 最近发生了什么事吗? 或者 我听到你最近提到了 你知道你可以和我谈任何事情 对吧? |
让孩子知道您会支持他们 您不会对他们进行评判 而且他们可以随时找您 告诉他们 他们不会因为这些事情 |
如果你发现孩子在网上受到性侵害 首先要确保他们的安全 然后向 Australian Centre |
举报侵害行为 如需了解更多信息 请访问 |
识别未成年人网络性侵害的迹象 Recognising signs of child sexual abuse online
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本视频包含有关 可能会让一些观众感到不适 如需支持 请联系 Lifeline 或 |
超过四万份关于未成年人 被呈交给了 Australian Centre 以上还仅仅是 2022 至 而且我们知道 |
如果您的孩子遭受了性侵害 感到心情沉重或愤怒是正常的 但保持冷静可能会鼓励他们 他们可能会害怕讨论这个问题 重要的是让他们知道 而且还有成年人可以支持他们 |
首先确保您的孩子是安全的 请记住 您并不孤单 朋友 家人以及服务机构 例如 Bravehearts、 Reachout 和 都能为您和您的家庭提供帮助 |
如需进行保密举报 请填写在线表格 网址是 您的报告将由 专业调查人员进行评估 收集截图 链接 个人资料或账户 以及有关侵害方的任何其他 |
请勿保存或截屏任何未成年人的 要将所有细节都写入您的举报报告中 如需了解更多信息 请访问 |
帮助遭受网络性侵害的未成年人 Helping children experiencing sexual abuse online
We can always talk about being safe online
Download and print this poster. You can display it in your home to remind you to regularly talk about online safety as a family.
'Every online safety conversation matters' card and advice sheet
eSafety developed these resources in partnership with the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE). They will help you discuss online safety with your child - including their online interests, dealing with uncomfortable or unsafe situations, getting help from trusted adults and reporting abuse.
Click the image links to download the conversation starters or advice sheet, then open them to read.
Getting help
If you think your child might be experiencing child sexual abuse, there are things you can do to help.
- Stay calm. Listen and believe them.
- If the child is in Australia and is in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000) or your local police on 131 444.
- Any type of suspected child sexual abuse or exploitation, including grooming, should be reported to the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE). The child can make a report themselves, or an adult can help them. Or you can make an anonymous report to Crime Stoppers at or 1800 333 000.
- Anyone can report online child sexual exploitation and abuse material to eSafety at any time, so we can have it removed. Your report can be anonymous.
- Anyone whose nude or sexual image or video has been shared online without their consent can report it to eSafety, so we can have it removed.
- The TakeItDown tool can provide a secure, anonymous way to prevent sexual images or videos being uploaded and shared on a range of online platforms and services.
- There are many counselling and support services that help children who have experienced sexual abuse, including grooming, and their families. These are listed on the ACCCE website.
More resources in Simplified Chinese
- Resources for parents and carers
- Resources for school teachers
- Domestic and family violence
- Adult cyber abuse
To access more online safety advice, visit our Simplified Chinese resources section.
Last updated: 19/11/2024