Internal review of decisions
An internal review is an impartial review of the merits of a decision. The purpose of an internal review is to consider whether, on the available facts, the original decision made was the correct one.
If you think eSafety has made a decision that is wrong or unfair, you can ask us to review it, if it relates to any of the matters set out in our Internal Review Procedure.
Some reviews can only be commenced by certain people – you can find details in our Internal Review Procedure.
A request for a review should generally be made as soon as possible and within 30 days after we notify you of the decision. In some circumstances, eSafety may extend this period.
How to request a review
To request an internal review, download the Request for internal review form, fill it in and email it or post a hard copy to eSafety.
To fill in the form, download it to your computer or device, click or place the cursor in the grey fields after each heading and start typing. Move from one field to the next using your mouse or tab key and make sure to save your answers.
When you have filled out the form you can email it to:
Or you can print out the completed form and post it to:
Attention: Internal Review
eSafety Commissioner
PO Box Q500
Queen Victoria Building
NSW 1230
Please include any information about additional assistance you may need as part of your request for review, such as assistance through the Translating and Interpreter Service or National Relay Service.
Note: Do not complete this form if you are requesting a review of a decision made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). Please follow the instructions on our Freedom of information page.
What happens when you request a review
When you send your request for internal review form, we will acknowledge receipt within 3 business days of it arriving. We will give you a contact point for enquiries and tell you how long we expect it will take to complete the review.
We aim to complete all reviews at the earliest opportunity and within 30 days. However, it may take longer in certain circumstances. We will advise you about any delay, explain the reason, and give you an estimate for when we will complete the review.
We will conduct the review in an objective and fair manner. The review may decide to confirm, change or withdraw the original decision. We will tell you about the outcome and provide written reasons for our decision.
You may also apply to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) for a review of certain decisions. For information about the type of decisions that the ART can review and how to request a review by the ART, please see our Internal Review Procedure.
Internal review request form
Download and fill out the form.
Internal Review Procedure and Instrument
Download and read more about our procedure and the legal instrument that establishes it.
Last updated: 06/01/2025