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Background to the Phase 1 Standards

Phase 1 Standards will operate alongside the registered Phase 1 Codes to protect Australians from illegal and restricted online content.

On this page:

Development of industry standards

The Online Safety Act, which commenced on 23 January 2022, provides for industry bodies to develop new codes to regulate ‘class 1’ and ‘class 2’ illegal and restricted online material, and for eSafety to register codes if they meet the statutory requirements. If a code does not meet the requirements, then eSafety can develop an industry standard for that section of the online industry instead.

Class 1 and class 2 material ranges from the most seriously harmful online content, such as videos showing the sexual abuse of children or acts of terrorism, through to content which is inappropriate for children, such as online pornography.

The industry bodies tasked with developing the codes adopted a two-phase approach, as suggested in eSafety’s position paper. The first phase focused on class 1A and class 1B material, with a focus on child sexual exploitation material and pro-terror material.

The development of the Relevant Electronic Services Standard and the Designated Internet Services Standard by eSafety followed the decision of the eSafety Commissioner in May 2023 to decline to register industry drafted codes for these online sectors. Six industry codes, covering other industry sectors, were registered by eSafety in 2023 as those codes were found to provide appropriate community safeguards in relation to class 1A and 1B material.

You can read more information about the development and registration of the codes.

Submissions process

In November 2023 the eSafety Commissioner invited submissions from industry, other stakeholders and the public on the draft standards.

A plain language Discussion Paper was released, outlining eSafety’s overarching approach and including questions to assist stakeholders to identify and respond to key issues. We also prepared a Fact Sheet for each standard, setting out eSafety’s position in response to key questions.

All stakeholders were encouraged to review the Discussion Paper and the Fact Sheets prior to making a submission.

The questions in the Discussion Paper were provided as a guide only and were not intended to limit the scope of submissions. eSafety requested that submitters provided reasons to support any views expressed. Practical examples, research and other evidence was also welcomed. 

Targeted consultation

In addition to the written submission process, eSafety held two roundtable discussions in December 2023. These sessions provided stakeholders the opportunity to share their perspectives with eSafety and with each other. 

The first consultation included representatives from industry associations and service providers from the two industry sections. The second involved stakeholders from different civil society organisations and academics. 

eSafety thanks participants for their time and thoughtful contributions to the workshop. The discussion was an important contribution to informing the development of the draft standards.

The following deidentified summaries represent high-level feedback provided by participants during the sessions, and summarises the feedback into themes. The views and opinions in these summaries are those of the participants and do not reflect eSafety’s position.

Publication of submissions

The 51 written submissions received by eSafety on the draft Standards are published on this page.

eSafety closely considered the submissions received and the amendments that should be made, including amendments in order to provide greater certainty to both industry participants and end-users. For more context, please see our media statement on the publication of these submissions.

The published submissions have been redacted to remove personal or sensitive information (such as physical addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses). Information that a stakeholder has clearly identified as confidential where eSafety has accepted their confidentiality claim has also been redacted.  

The views and opinions in the submissions are those of the stakeholders and do not reflect eSafety’s position.


Post-consultation and registration of industry standards

These fact sheets outline the obligations on industry and how the final standards addressed feedback raised by stakeholders during the public consultation. The Phase 1 Standards Regulatory Guidance is available on the Regulatory schemes page. 

Last updated: 19/03/2025