1. Collect evidence
The reporting form will ask you:
- what has happened
- where and when it happened
- what proof you have.
Keep a record of:
- all contact from the person who shared or threatened to share the intimate content, including their username, account handle or platform ID
- where they contacted you – for example, their Snapchat username, Facebook or Instagram URL (web address) or the Skype name and ID they used
- when they contacted you, including dates and times
- any reports you made to the online platform or service or to police
- anything else that’s relevant.
Taking screenshots, photos or recordings of your device’s screen is a quick and easy way to collect evidence. But don’t save or share nudes or sexual images or videos of anyone under 18 or any other illegal or restricted content.
Find out how to collect evidence[https://www.esafety.gov.au/report/how-to-collect-evidence], including how to take screenshots on a Mac[https://www.esafety.gov.au/report/how-to-collect-evidence/how-to-screenshot-on-a-mac], Windows PC[https://www.esafety.gov.au/report/how-to-collect-evidence/how-to-screenshot-on-windows], Apple devices[https://www.esafety.gov.au/report/how-to-collect-evidence/how-to-screenshot-on-an-iPad-or-iPhone] or Android devices[https://www.esafety.gov.au/report/how-to-collect-evidence/how-to-screenshot-on-android-device].
2. Report image-based abuse
Fill out the report form to make sure we have the most important information about your case right from the start. This allows us to assess your complaint quickly and decide if we can help remove the content or support you in any other way.
If you’re reporting on behalf of someone else, first make sure they have given you consent[https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-topics/staying-safe/consent].
3. Stop further contact, tighten security and prevent sharing
- Stop all contact with the person who has shared the intimate images or videos or threatened you.
- Use in-app functions or your device settings to ignore, hide or mute the other person’s posts or comments. After collecting evidence you can also block them, to take away their power to harass you.
- Update your privacy settings, to limit who can contact you.
The eSafety Guide[https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-topics/esafety-guide] has advice on key online safety functions for many online services, including social media, online games and other apps.