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Young people and social media usage

State of play — social media usage

Young people 8 to 17 years (kids 8 to 12 years, teens 13 to 17 years)

The top five social media services used:

  • YouTube*: 80% kids, 86% teens
  • Facebook: 26% kids, 75% teens
  • Snapchat: 26% kids, 67% teens
  • Instagram: 24% kids, 70% teens
  • Google+: 23% kids, 29% teens

* A profile is not necessary to gain access to content on YouTube

There are some gender differences! 

Girls are more likely to use:

  • Instagram: 52% girls, 42% boys
  • Snapchat:  53% girls, 39% boys
  • Pinterest: 23% girls, 8% boys
  • 18% girls, 6% boys
  • Tumblr: 12% girls, 4% boys

Boys are more likely to use:

  • YouTube: 85% boys, 81% girls
  • Reddit: 8% boys, 4% girls

Managing privacy

68% of young people actively manage their online privacy. The top three actions are:

  • Blocking people (including ‘unfriending’): 50% girls, 42% boys
  • Increasing privacy settings: 47% girls, 39% boys
  • Not allowing automatic location on posts: 42% girls, 31 % boys

Source: Youth and digital dangers, Office of the eSafety Commissioner, 3 May 2018

Data drawn from eSafety’s Youth Digital Participation Survey, using a random sample of 3,017 young people in Australia aged 8 to 17 years in the 12 months to June 2017 (kids 8 to 12 years, teens 13 to 17 years)

More findings from this research

Last updated: 11/11/2021