#GameOn Meet the characters

The #GameOn gang talk about their online experiences
Characters from the #GameOn series talk about cyberbullying, excessive gaming and sharing selfies online.
Watch the interviews
Character Interview - Cyberbullying
Character Interview - Gaming
Character Interview - Selfie sharing
Who's who?
Bianca is Grace’s best friend. Bianca is upset when her photograph with insulting captions is posted online without her permission on Grace’s social media page. Some of Grace’s followers add nasty comments. How do you think Bianca felt about the picture and comments posted about her? What could Bianca do to help resolve the problem?
Grace has a social media page where she has shared her password with friends. When her page is hacked, she is embarrassed and upset. Grace tells her parents about what has happened. How do you think someone accessed Grace’s social media page? What could Grace do to better protect her personal information?
Claudia is Grace and Bianca’s friend. She hacks Grace’s page as a practical joke. Claudia did not expect her friends to be so upset. She admits that she made a mistake and apologises to Grace and Bianca. Do you think Claudia thought about Bianca’s feelings when she posted the photo? Do you think Grace will be able to trust Claudia again?
Joel likes playing Star Warriors, a multiplayer online computer game. His gamertag is ‘Blaster’. Joel is determined to reach level twelve. He plays the game when he should be doing homework. Playing the game late at night causes him to fall asleep in class. In what ways has playing Star Warriors too much affected Joel’s wellbeing? How can Joel better manage his time on the computer?
Dean likes playing Star Warriors, a multiplayer online computer game. His gamertag is ‘Shield Bearer 9’. Dean is determined to reach level twelve. Playing the game is affecting his behaviour at home and at school. He is spending less time with his friend Harry. How has spending too much time at the computer affected the rest of Dean’s life? How do you think Dean’s friends and his sister could help?
Ryan has discovered a website that offers the latest ringtones free of charge. He boasts about the free ringtones to his friends until he discovers that not reading the terms will now cost his parents $10 a week. What are some ways Ryan could have protected himself from these more expensive phone bills? Do you think Ryan should have asked his parents before he started downloading the ringtones?
Resources for teachers
This page is part of the #GameOn classroom resource.
For lesson plans and other information go to #GameOn: about this resource.
Last updated: 05/09/2019