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Managing the impacts of domestic and family violence

No one deserves to be abused, threatened or stalked by someone using technology. 

Technology brings great benefits to our everyday lives. But the devices, apps and online platforms we use can come with risks – especially for women experiencing domestic and family violence. 

As our lives are increasingly lived online, the need to stay safe from tech abuse has never been more important. eSafety offers a range of support for women experiencing tech abuse. 

You know your situation best, so be careful about how you use technology to access the advice and resources on the eSafety website.

On this page:

Find a support service that is right for you

Our counselling and support services page lists many other services that can help you. We can also connect you with legal help.


Contact a psychologist and/or a counsellor

Your doctor (GP) can refer you to a counsellor through a local health service, mental health nurses or a psychologist. Your GP does this through the Mental Health Treatment Plan Program, which is subsidised by Medicare. This means you can see a psychologist or counsellor for a number of sessions either for free or at a low cost.

Urgent psychiatric help

If you or someone you love has a serious psychiatric or psychological episode, such as hallucinations or intends to harm or kill themselves, contact their GP, counsellor or psychologist. If you cannot find someone who is available, you can take, or call an ambulance to take them, to the local hospital emergency department.

Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance if there are immediate safety concerns for the person or for others.

If it is safe for you to stay

Do not leave alone any person who has expressed an intent to kill themselves. Stay with them until help arrives or you can get them to help.

If they are abusive or in a dangerous situation, you must put your safety first. Leave safely and then call Triple Zero (000).

You can also call Lifeline (13 11 14) for support and follow their 3 steps to prevent suicide. Look under facts and information on the Lifeline website.

Support for children and young people

If your child is:

  • at school, TAFE or university you can seek support through their education provider, if you feel comfortable doing so. Talk to the welfare officer, counsellor or student well-being coordinator.
  • aged 5 to 25 contact Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800). They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, free of charge. Counsellors can also chat online at Kids Helpline.
  • aged 12 to 25 Headspace offers free online counselling, and free or low cost face-to-face support for young people aged 12 to 25, and their families. Centres are located around Australia — contact the centre near you directly for an appointment.

Help for abusers

If a person abusing you, your family or friends is in serious danger, threatening to harm themselves or others, or is clearly psychologically or mentally unwell, call Triple Zero (000).

You must put your safety first, leave the situation if you can do so safely and call for help as soon as you can. Even if they are close to you, the best thing is to get yourself and others away quickly and safely and then call for help. You will not be able to help them yourself and may put yourself and others in danger if you stay and try.

MensLine Australia

MensLine Australia (1300 78 99 78) is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is available from anywhere in Australia and is staffed by professional counsellors, providing men with confidential and anonymous information and support.

Last updated: 11/02/2025