New programs to support victims of family and domestic violence

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner welcomes the Government’s funding announcement today for the Office to develop and scope new initiatives to further enhance the safety of those impacted by family and domestic violence. 

The funding of $1.05 million is part of the Government’s Women’s Safety Package of measures to help keep women and children safe online. 

“Sadly, research shows 1 in 6 Australian women has experienced violence from a current or former partner,” says Julie Inman Grant, eSafety Commissioner.

“As technology continues to play an increasing role in perpetuating this violence, we are pleased to be developing and exploring technological initiatives to keep women and children safer,” continues Inman Grant.

The new funding will see the Office undertake:

  • The scoping of technical support available to sweep devices or physical environments to establish whether they have been compromised by malicious software or covertly installed hardware.
  • The development of two AppBooks to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders in managing technology-related issues in their communities.
  • A scoping study to assess the role children play in disclosing identifying information to perpetrators of technology-facilitated abuse through their own digital footprint.

“Through our eSafetyWomen program, we have extensive experience in developing practical resources and tools to help women manage technology risks and abuse,” says Inman Grant.

“Unfortunately, there are countless ways technology is misused by perpetrators to stalk, control and abuse their partners or ex-partners, but we also know technology can be a lifeline for victims, especially for those looking to connect with loved ones and escape the abuse,” adds Inman Grant. 

To date, eSafetyWomen has reached over 7,200 frontline domestic violence workers around the country, delivering informative face-to-face workshops to help clients protect themselves, and their families, online.

The eSafetyWomen program was developed by the Office in 2016, as part of the Women’s Safety Package.

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