Facebook Privacy Settings


To change privacy settings in Facebook, first, log in.
Select the drop-down arrow in the top right-hand corner of the news feed.

Select ‘Settings.’ 
Select ‘Privacy’.

The current privacy settings will now display and can be edited.

To secure an account, each option should be checked and edited as needed.

Review all Settings in the timeline and tagging section, to limit who can contribute to pages and who can see posts, including whether ‘friends of friends can see posts.

To stop being tagged in posts, which can put location at risk, turn on the option to review tags before they are public.

Ask others not to Tag you or Check you in through Facebook.

You can also review the settings for who can look you up using your email address and whether search engines link to your timeline.

A User can also use the “Friends Except” feature in ‘Privacy Settings and Tools’. 
This option allows a User to stop certain ‘Friends’ from seeing future posts without ‘Unfriending’ them.
This can be helpful if ‘unfriending’ would make a perpetrator angrier.

The “friends except” feature is also available for individual posts. 
Before posting select ‘Friends except’ 
Select the ‘Friends’ that should be excluded.

There’s also a short cut ‘Privacy Check-up’, that shows current privacy settings.