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Subway Surfers

Minimum age according to Subway Surfers
9+ Minimum age according to Subway Surfers

What is Subway Surfers?

Subway Surfers is a single player mobile gaming app and website developed by Kiloo. The aim of the game is to outrun a train inspector while dodging oncoming trains, barriers and other objects. Collecting coins on the way gives players advantages such as hover boards and high scores.

The game features advertising and allows in-app purchasing.


Apps: Android app, Apple iOS app

How do people use Subway Surfers?

Learn more about the benefits and risks associated with how people use gaming apps like Subway Surfers.

Subway Surfers is used for: gaming, in-app purchasing and screen capture.

Is there a risk of cyberbullying or online abuse?

No. Subway Surfers is a single player game, which means there is no interaction with others during the game.

How can you protect your personal information?

These links are provided by Sybo Games:

Key safety links

This link is provided by Subway Surfers:

Last updated: 06/06/2024

The eSafety Guide helps you find out how to protect your personal information and report harmful content on common social media, games, apps and sites. Entries are for information only and are not reviews or endorsements by eSafety. Before choosing to use any online service or platform it’s best to:

  • do your own research to understand the risks and benefits
  • check the age rating and requirements
  • consider privacy
  • check the permissions and other settings
  • check the in-app reporting options.

If you are a parent or carer who is deciding whether a child should be allowed to use an online service or platform, you can also:

  • consider your child's readiness for the types of content and experiences they might encounter
  • help them understand what to do if they need help
  • provide ongoing support and monitoring, for example through regular check-ins with your child
  • agree to some rules about use of each service or platform.

To find out more, you can read the App checklist for parents, as well as information about parental controls in social media, games and apps and mental wellbeing resources for families.