Workplace bullying

Explore the following resources on how to deal with and prevent the incidence of online abuse and bullying in the workplace.
Online abuse at work can come from customers, clients or members of the public, or it can happen between workers, supervisors and managers. It can also happen when working away from the usual workplace, such as when working from home.
Online abuse is never acceptable and should never be considered as part of doing your job.
On this page:
Do you feel unsafe right now?
If you are in Australia and in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call emergency services on Triple Zero (000).
Contact your local police on 131 444 if there are threats to your safety or threats to your friends or family members.
Information for workers
Workers have certain rights and duties under work health and safety (WHS) laws, so it’s important to know what to do if you experience online abuse in the workplace.
Your employer should provide you with information and training about how to respond if you are experiencing online abuse at work, and how to report it.
Depending on the type of abuse and how it is occurring, there may be different actions you may take, if you feel safe and comfortable doing so. At any time, you can contact your WHS regulator for further advice.
Find more information in the fact sheet for workers.
Information for employers
Employers have certain duties under WHS laws to manage the risk of online abuse in the workplace.
WHS laws require you to take care of the health and safety of your workers. This includes yourself, contractors, volunteers and other people like clients, customers and visitors at your workplace. You must manage the health and safety risks of working online or with other technologies.
Behaviours such as violence, aggression, bullying and sexual harassment can have significant short and long-term impacts on a person’s physical and psychological health, including when carried out online or via other technologies.
Online abuse may escalate to affect a person’s physical safety.
In some circumstances, workers or their health and safety representatives, have the right to refuse to carry out or stop unsafe work. The risk to their health and safety in the workplace must be serious and imminent. They must tell you as soon as possible and be available for other suitable work. Contact your WHS regulator if you need advice.
Find more information in the fact sheet for employers.
Download the fact sheets
Download and display these fact sheets in your workplace, or share them online.
Last updated: 19/02/2025