Sending nudes and sexting

Every nude picture you see online is someone’s sister or brother, son or daughter.
It's important to think twice before sharing sexy pics or nudes, whether it's a picture of you or someone else.
What happens when you send nudes
Once an image is shared, it can be copied and saved by others, shared with people the sender does not know and posted on social media and public websites. It's almost impossible to get it back or control who sees it.
Visual | Audio |
Bud and Johno are riding the bus with their football team, The East Side Tigers. They are headed to a game. |
Bud: Hey, look at this. Coach: Sit down, shut up and stay focused! Don't fool yourselves, boys. The Emus are going to be hard to beat. |
The players arrive at the game and file off the bus. |
Elder: Come on, boys. Go in hard, head over the ball, and tackle, tackle, tackle! Johno: Righto, Unc! Hey, Sharlise! Sharlise: Hey, good luck, cuz. |
The Tigers and Emus play against each other. Bud lands in dog poo trying to catch a ball. He takes his shirt off and Sharlise whistles and claps. Bud kicks a winning goal for the Tigers. As the players head back to the bus, Bud passes Sharlise and friend Kellie. |
Crowd: [Cheering] Crowd member: Look there! [Laughs] Crowd: [Cheering] Sharlise: Bud, that was proper deadly. Bud: Thanks. Wanna give me your number? Sharlise: OK. Bud: Or better yet, I'll give you mine. [From the bus] Sharlise! Send me something real good so I'll remember who you are. Kellie: You're not going to send that. Are you? Sharlise: Yeah. It's only for Bud. |
Back on the bus, Johno sees that Puddy has been sent a nude of Sharlise. |
Johno: Hey! That's my cousin, you dog. Puddy: Oh sorry, bros. Ricky sent it to me. Johno: Rick, you sending photos of my little cousin to everyone? Ricky: Hey, don't blame me. Talk to the dog poo dude over there. Johno: Well? Bud: Settle down, bro. All the girls on your phone are someone else's cousins or sister. Johno: Delete it now! Bud: Don't go getting all gangster on me. |
A fight breaks out between all the players on the bus. |
Coach: Hey! What's going on? All: [Yelling] |
Johno tries to take Bud's phone to delete the photo of Sharlise. The phone flies out the bus window and smashes on the ground. |
Bud: Ah, that's brutal. |
For more information on sexting, visit the eSafety website, |
Narrator: Think twice about sharing sexy pics. Show respect. Keep it private. |
Video: That's not team spirit
No worries checklist
- Think about who might see the picture.
- Delete sexy pics.
- Say no to anyone hassling you to send a sexy pic.
- Show the same respect you would want for your sister, brother or cousin.
- Be careful about taking, keeping or passing on sexy pics. They can get you in trouble with the law.
Sent a sexy pic already?
What to do:
- Delete the picture.
- If it is posted online, report it to the site.
- If you need help to get your pic removed, you can make an image-based abuse report to eSafety.
- If you sent it to someone, ask them to delete it.
- Report it to your school or the police to stop it being sent on.
- Respect yourself – you will be OK!
Still worried?
If you are under 25 you can have a web chat with Kids Helpline or make a free call to them on 1800 55 1800.
You could also check out our young people section for info about being pressured to send nudes, what to do when your nudes have been shared, and receiving unwanted nudes.
Last updated: 18/04/2023