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About our First Nations artwork

‘Strong People, Safe Spaces’ tells the story of all Australians navigating and engaging with the online world.

Seven different groups of people are highlighted artistically in the design. Together they surround a shield in the middle of the picture, symbolising eSafety.  

Hover or click on the largest circle in one of the segments to find out more about that group and how eSafety supports them.

About our First Nations artwork

The eSafety shield

eSafety sits at the core of this story and is represented by an oval shaped shield of protection at the centre of the design - safeguarding Australians against online harms.

It represents the eSafety teams who support, advise, lead, innovate and collaborate to achieve a safer, more positive online experience for all. 

‘It is through collaboration and cooperation, under the shield of eSafety, that we can grow strong minds and strong spirits to help us have positive experiences in safe spaces in the online world.’


Amy Allerton

Design symbols

Many symbols in this artwork represent common themes. Some symbols are traditional (used by First Nations groups) and some are interpretive (created to represent specific themes, based on traditional styles and symbols).

Note that traditional Aboriginal symbols are not universal across all First Nations groups and the symbols used do not reflect the traditional communication styles of all Aboriginal people.

Last updated: 28/03/2023