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Someone is contacting me and I don’t want them to

Boy on laptop getting messages that are not nice, and seem weird.


What is 'unwanted contact'?

Unwanted contact is any online message or contact from a stranger, or someone you know, that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Be a ‘bad message’ detective.

Learn to spot the messages that aren’t right for you.


Here are some examples of unwanted contact:

  • Someone sends you messages from a private number on your phone and you don’t know who they are.
  • A stranger comments on a video or photo you shared online and it makes you feel uncomfortable. 
  • You are chatting to other gamers online and someone sends you  pictures you don’t like or asks lots of personal questions, like where you live and your contact details.
  • Someone you know sends you messages you don’t like or keeps contacting you.

What to do

  1. Tell your mum, dad or an adult you trust if you get a message that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

  2. Do not reply and keep evidence — ask an adult to help you take screenshots if you need to report it. See our videos on how to take screenshots.

  3. Report to the game or app — report unwanted messages to the game or app they were posted on. See The eSafety Guide for links to help you report.

  4. Report to eSafety — you can report cyberbullying to us. We can help to remove bullying content and get you help and support.

  5. You can block the person to stop them from contacting you. Most games and apps have a way to block or mute someone. See The eSafety Guide for links.

  6. Delete requests from strangers — if you get a friend or follow request from a stranger, show a trusted adult and delete the request.

  7. Make all your accounts private —  so that any posts or images you share can only be seen by your friends. Find out more in The eSafety Guide.

Last updated: 13/05/2024